Enabling Cloud Native Environments with Gou Rao

Companies across all industries are looking for ways to expedite application development and compete in the digital economy. Yet, many engineers are still using traditional IT techniques and processes that impede development and make it difficult to work quickly. In this episode of The Business of Cloud Native, host Emily Omier talks with Gou Rao who is CTO of Portworx, an organization that helps clients run mission-critical stateful applications in hybrid, multi-cloud, and cloud-native environments. Gou explains how Portworx is working to enable fast and efficient cloud native environments for their clients, and some of the challenges that they’re helping them work through.The conversation covers: 

  • Gou’s role as CTO of Portworx, and how he works with customers on a day to day basis.

  • Common pain points that Gou talks about with customers. Gou explains how he helps customers create agile and cost-effective application development and deployment environments.

  • The types of people that Gou talks to when approaching customers about cloud native discussions.

  • Why customers often struggle with infrastructure related problems during their cloud native journeys, and how Gou and his team help.

  • Common misconceptions that exist among customers when exploring cloud native solutions. For example, Gou mentions moving to Kubernetes for the sake of moving to Kubernetes.

  • Gou’s thoughts on state — including why there is no such thing as an end-to-end stateless architecture.

  • Some cloud native vertical trends that Gou is noticing taking place in the market.

  • The issue of vendor lock-in, and how data and state fit into lock-in discussions.

  • Gou’s opinion on where he sees the cloud native ecosystem heading.



Emily: Hi everyone. I’m Emily Omier, your host, and my day job is helping companies position themselves in the cloud-native ecosystem so that their product’s value is obvious to end-users. I started this podcast because organizations embark on the cloud naive journey for business reasons, but in general, the industry doesn’t talk about them. Instead, we talk a lot about technical reasons. I’m hoping that with this podcast, we focus more on the business goals and business motivations that lead organizations to adopt cloud-native and Kubernetes. I hope you’ll join me.Emily: Welcome to The Business of Cloud Native, I'm your host Emily Omier, and today I am chatting with Gou Rao. Gou, I want to go ahead and have you introduce yourself. Where do you work? What do you do?Gou: Sure. Hi, Emily, and hi to everybody that's listening in. Thanks for having me on this podcast. My name is Gou Rao. I'm the CTO at Portworx. Portworx is a leader in the cloud-native storage space. We help companies run mission-critical stateful applications in production in hybrid, multi-cloud, and cloud-native environments.Emily: So, when you say you’re CTO, obviously that's a job title everyone, sort of, understands. But what does that mean you spend your day doing?Gou: Yeah, it is an overloaded term. As a CTO, I think CTOs in different companies wear multiple hats doing different things. Here at Portworx, technically I'm in charge of this company strategy and technical direction. What does that mean in terms of my day to day activities? And it's spending a lot of time with customers understanding the problems that they're trying to solve, and then trying to build a pattern around what different people in different industries and companies are doing, and then identifying common problems and trying to bring solutions to market, by working with our engineering teams, that sort of address, holistically, the underlying areas that I see people try and craft solutions around, whether it's enabling an agile development environment for their internal developers, or cost optimization, there's usually some underlying theme, and my job is to identify what that is, and come up with a meaningful solution that addresses a wide segment of the market.Emily: What are the most common pain points that you end up talking to customers about?Gou: Over the past, I think, eight-plus years or so—I think the enterprise software space goes through iterations in the types of problems that are being solved. Over the past eight-plus years or so, it really has been around this—we use this term cloud-native—enabling cloud-native environments. And what does that really mean? In talking to customers, what this is really meant recently is enabling an agile application development and deployment environment. And let's even define what that is. Me as an application developer, I have to rely on traditional IT techniques where there's a separate storage department, compute department, networking department, security department, and I have to interact with all of them just to develop and try out an application. But that really is impeding me as a developer from how fast I can iterate and build product and get it out there, so by and large, the common underlying theme has been, “Make that process better for me.” So, if I'm head of infrastructure how can I enable my developers to build and push product faster? So, getting that agility up in a sense where it makes—cost-wise, too, so it has to make cost sense—how do I enable an efficient, cost-efficient development platform? That has been the underlying theme. That sort of defines a set of technologies that we call cloud-native, and so orchestration tools like Kubernetes, and storage technologies like, hopefully, what we're doing at Portworx, these are all aimed at facilitating that. That's been sort of what we've been focused on over the past couple of years.Emily: And when you talk to customers, do they tend to say, “Hey, we need to figure out a way to increase our development velocity?” Or do they tend to say, “We need a better solution for stateful applications?” What's the type of vocabulary that they're attempting to use to describe their problems, and how high-level do they usually go?Gou: That's a good question. Both. So, the backdrop really is, “Increase my development velocity. Make it easier for me to put product out there faster.” Now, what does it take to get there? So, the second-order problems then become do I run in the public cloud, private cloud? Do I need help running stateful applications? So, these are all pillars that support the main theme here, which is increasing development velocity. So, the primary umbrella under which our customers are operating under is really around increasing the development velocity in a way that makes cost sense. And if you double-click on that and look at the type of problems that they're solving, they would include, “How do I efficiently run my applications in a public cloud? Or a hybrid cloud? How do I enable workflows that need to span multiple clouds?” Again because maybe they're using cloud provider technologies, like either compute resources, or even services that a cloud provider may be offering, so that, again, all of this so that they can increase their development velocity.Emily: And in the past, and to a certain extent now, storage was somewhat of a siloed area of expertise. When you're talking to customers, who are you talking to in an organization? I mean, is it somebody who's a storage specialist or is it someone who's not?Gou: No, they're not. So, that's been one of the things that have really changed in this ecosystem, which is the shift away from this kind of like, hey, there's a storage admin and a storage architect, and then there's a compute admin or BM admin or a security admin, that's really not who are driving this because if you look at that—that world really thinks in terms of infrastructure first.Actually, let me just take a step back for a second. One of the things that has actually changed here in the industry is this: a move from a machine-centric organization to an application-centric organization. So, let me explain what that means. Historically, enterprises have been run by data centers that have been run by a machine-centric control plane. This is your typical VMware type of control plane where the most important concept in a data center is a machine. So, if you need storage, it's for a machine. If you need an IP address, it's for a machine. If you want to secure something, you're securing a machine. And if you look at it, that really is not what an enterprise or business is trying to solve. What enterprises and businesses are trying to do is put their product out there faster. And so for them, what is more important? It's an application. And so what it's actually changed here? And one of the things that defines this cloud-native movement, at least in my mind, is this move from a machine-centric control plane to an application-centric control plane where the first-class citizen or the most important thing in an enterprise data center is not a machine, it's an application. And really, that's where technologies like Kubernetes and things like that come in.So, now your question is, who do we talk to? We don't talk to a storage administrator or machine-centric administrator; we talk to the people that are more focused on building and harnessing that application-centric control plane. So, these are people like a cloud architect, or it's a CIO level—or a CTO level driven decision to enable their application developers to move faster. These are application owners, application architects, it's that kind of people. You had an additional question there which is, are they storage experts? And so by definition, these people are not. So, they know they need storage, they know they need to secure their applications, they know they need networking, but they're not experts in any one of those domains. There are more application-level architects and application experts.Emily: Do you find that there tends to be some knowledge gaps? If so, is there anything that you keep sort of repeating over and over again when you have these conversations?Gou: So, it's not about having a knowledge gap, it's more about solving an infrastructure problem—which is what storage is—is not necessarily their primary task. So, in a sense that they're not experienced with that, they know that they need infrastructure support, they know they need storage support, and networking support, but they expect that to be part of the core platform. So, one of the things that we've had to do—and I suspect others in this cloud-native ecosystem—is to take all of that the heavy lifting that storage software would do and then package it in such a way that it's easy to consume by application architects; easy to consume by people that are putting together this cloud-native platform. So, dealing with things like drive failures, or how do I properly [unintelligible] my data or RAID protect my data, or how do I deal with backups? These are things that they kind of know they need me to do, but they're not really experienced with it, and they expect the cloud-native software platforms to handle that functionality for them. So, in other words, doing the job of a storage admin, but in a form of software has been really important.Emily: Do you find that there's any common misconceptions out there?Gou: Yeah. With any new technology or evolving space, I think there are bound to be some misconceptions in how you approach things. So, just moving to Kubernetes for the sake of moving to Kubernetes, for instance, is a common—or improperly embracing is as a common mistake that we see. You really need to think about why you're moving to this platform, and if you're really doing it to embrace developer agility. For instance, one mistake we see, and this is especially true with the ecosystem we work in because Portworx is enabling storage technologies in Kubernetes. We see people try and take Kubernetes and leverage legacy infrastructure tools like either NFS or connecting their Kubernetes systems to storage arrays—which are really machine-centric storage arrays—over protocols like iSCSI, and you kind of look at that, and what is the problem with that? And one way I like to describe it is if you take an agile platform like Kubernetes, and then you make that platform rely on legacy infrastructure, well, you're kind of bringing down the power of Kubernetes to the lowest common denominator here, which is your legacy platform. And your Kubernetes platform is only going to be as agile as the least nimble element in the stack. And so a mis-pattern that we see here is where people try and take them, and then they say, “Well, geez, I'm not getting the agility out of Kubernetes, I don't really see what all the fuss about this is. I'm still moving IT tickets around, and make developers still rely on storage admins.” And then we have to tell them, “Well, that's because you've kind of tied your Kubernetes platform down to legacy infrastructure, and let's now think about modernizing that infrastructure.” And that’s sort of—I do find myself in a spot where we have to educate the partners about that. And they eventually see that and hopefully, that's why they work with us.Emily: Why do you think they tend to make that mistake?Gou: It's what’s lying around, right? It's the ease of just leveraging the tools and the equipment you already have, not really fully understanding the problem all the way through. It takes time for people to try out a pattern—take Kubernetes, try and see what you have lying around, connect it to learn from mistakes. And so that really takes some time. They look at others to see what others are doing, and it's not immediately evident. I think, with any new technology, there's always some learning that goes along with it.Emily: Well, let's talk a little bit about stateful apps in general. Why do people need stateful apps? What business problem do stateful apps deal with, or make it possible to solve that you just can't do with stateless?Gou: Sure. Yeah very rarely is there really something that is a stateless app, so unless you're doing some sort of ephemeral experiment—and there are certain use cases for that—especially in enterprises, you always rely on data. And data is essentially your state in some shape or form, whether it's short-lived state, long-lived state, there's always some state and data that's involved in an application. And people try to think of things in terms of stateless, and what that really means is, they're punting the state problem to some other part of their overall solution; it doesn't really go away. What do I mean by that? Well, if you put all your stateless apps on your cloud-native platform, where did the state go? You're probably dealing with it in some VM or some bare-metal machine. It didn't really go away; it's there, and you're still left with trying to connect to it, and access it, and manage it. And then you start wondering, what kind of northbound impact is that having on your, what you think is your stateless side of things. And it has an impact. Anytime you need to make changes to your data structure, it's not like your stateless side of things is not impacted, so it kind of halts the entire pipeline. So, what we see happening as a pattern is people finally understanding that there's really no such thing as an end-to-end stateless architecture—especially in enterprises—and that they need to embrace the state and manage it in a cloud-native way. And so, that's really where a lot of this talk you see around these days, around how do you manage stateful applications in Kubernetes, that's where that is coming from. How do you govern it? How do you enforce things like RBAC on it? How do you manage its accessibility? How do you deal with its portability, because state has gravity? These are the main topics these days that people have to think about.Emily: Can you think of any misconceptions other than the ones that you've just mentioned that are specifically related to state?Gou: Sure. I think costs—well, less a misconception than I think not fully appreciating or understanding the impact that this would have, and it really is around cost and especially when running in the public cloud. People underestimate the cost associated with state in the public cloud, and especially when you're enabling an agile platform, with agility comes—really determines automation, and people tend to do a lot of things and so, when you have a lot of state laying around, the cost can add up. Simple example is if you have a lot of volumes that are sitting around in, let's say, Amazon, well, you're paying for those bills. And density is another related concept, which is, if you're running thousands of applications, and thousands of databases, or thousands of volumes, how do you manage that with not spending that much money on the resources? How do you virtually manage that? So, cost planning in the public cloud is something that I see is so commonly overlooked or not really fully thought through. And it does come to bite people down the line because those bills stack up quickly. So, coming up with an architecture where that is well thought through becomes really important.Emily: When do people tend to think about state when they're thinking about a digital transformation towards cloud-native?Gou: I think, Emily, state is something that is front and center of any enterprise architecture because it really—look at it this way, any application you're going to build, generally speaking, revolves around the data structures and the data it operates on. You really typically start with—and there's a few different ways in which you start with cracking your application stack, right? One is you start with the user experience, like what end-user experience you want to fulfill, what is the problem you're solving? Another core element is then what are the data structures needed to solve that problem? So, state becomes an important thing right from day one. Now, in terms of managing it, people can choose to defer that problem saying, “I’m not going to deal with managing the state in my cloud-native platform.” This goes to your comment about stateless architectures. Again, if they do that, then they're punting the problem until the point where they actually need to implement it and manage it in production. Either way, that problem comes up. You're thinking about the data structures and development time for sure, you can avoid that. In terms of embracing how you're going to run it, it definitely comes into place as you're rolling up your application as you're getting close to production because somebody has to manage that.Emily: And there are probably people out there who would argue, hey, cloud-native means stateless. What would you say to those people?Gou: Yeah, I think we've had this debate many years ago, too. This notion of ‘twelve-factor applications’ is kind of where it started, and I think people realized that, unless you're dealing with an architecture where state is sort of a small subset of the overall product offering, where really a lot of value is in maybe your UI, or it's a web app where people are interacting with each other and there's just a small amount of data sitting in a database that's recording a few messages, there really is no such thing as a safe plus architecture. So, in that case, what you could do is you architect your database, maybe just once and you’re really not touching it—any changes you’re making to your application are more cosmetic—then you can put your state somewhere else and an external database, have an endpoint that your applications interact with. Keep in mind, though, that still—that's not stateless; you've just put your state outside of your cloud-native platform. But what I would say to your question, what would you say to somebody that says that's the way to do things, my point is that's not how enterprise applications and architectures work. They're more complex than that, and the state is more central, the data is more central to the application, where changes intimately involve changing how your data structure is organized, changing tables around. In that case, it doesn't make sense to treat that outside of your cloud-native stack: because you're making so many changes to it, you're then going to lose the agility that the cloud-native platform can offer compared to bringing those microservice databases into your Kubernetes platform, letting the developers make the data structure changes they need to do as frequently as they need to, all within the same platform, within the same control plane. That makes a better enterprise architecture.Emily: Sort of a different type of question. But I'm just curious if there's anything that continues to surprise you about the cloud-native ecosystem, even about your conversations with customers, what continues to surprise you, but also what continues to surprise them?Gou: I was a little bit more surprised a couple of years ago, but does continue to surprise me is the mixing of the cloud-native and the legacy tools that still happens, and it's not just with storage, I see the same thing happening around security, or even networking. And some of that, not so much as surprise as and it makes less sense to me—and eventually I think people realize it—that they make this change, and then it sort of looks like a lateral move to them because they didn't get the agility they wanted. If somebody has to roll out an application and they have to sit through a machine type of security audit, for instance, if they're doing security, and they're not leveraging the new tools that do container-native security, those kinds of things do raise a flag and trying to work with our partners and customers and trying to point these things out, I still do see some of that happening. And I think it has been getting better over time because people learn from their peers within their industries, whether it's banking—you'll see banks kind of look at each other, and they develop similar architectures. It's a close-knit ecosystem, for instance.Emily: Actually, do you see any specific trends that are vertical-specific?Gou: So, industry-specific, right? So, for instance, in the financial sector, they're certainly trends, whether it's embracing hybrid-cloud technologies, and they kind of do things similarly. An example is, some industries are okay with completely relying on one single cloud provider. Generally speaking—and I'm just giving an example in the financial space—we've seen that not be the case, where they kind of want more of a multi-cloud or cloud-neutral platform, they probably will run on-prem and in the public cloud, but they don't want to be locked into a particular cloud provider. And so that's, for example, a trend in that industry. So, yeah, different industries have different kinds of specific features that they're looking for and architectures that they're circling around.Emily: You brought up lock-in. Lock-in is a big topic with a lot of people, but often the idea of data gravity doesn't make its way into the primary conversations about lock-in. How does data and state fit into these lock-in discussions?Gou: That's a really good point, and I'll break down into two things. So, data has gravity, and ultimately if you have petabytes of data sitting around somewhere, it becomes harder and harder to move that, but even before that, one of the most important things that we try and teach people, and I think people, kind of, realize this themselves is lock-in starts even before the data gravity has become an issue. It starts with, is your enterprise architecture or platform itself, just completely relying on a particular provider’s APIs and offerings? And that's where we really caution our customers and partners to say, that's the layer at which you want to build your—that’s your demarcation point, which is run your services in a cloud provider but don't lock your architecture around relying on that cloud provider providing those services. So, instance as database, if you're running a database, it's better to run your database on your platform in the public cloud, as opposed to putting all of your data in the cloud providers database because then you're really locked in, not just by way of data, but even by way of your enterprise architecture. So, that's one of the first things that I think people are looking for which is, how do I build this cloud-agnostic platform? Forget cloud-native, but cloud-agnostic platform where I can run all of my databases at ease, but I've not locked in my database to a cloud provider. Once you do that, then you can start breaking up your applica—especially in enterprises, it's not like you just have one very large database; you typically have many, many, many small databases, so it becomes easy to start with portability, and you can have sets of your—if you need to—applications run in different cloud providers and your ways to connect these and this is the notion of hybrid-cloud, which is becoming real.Emily: What do you see as the future? Where do you see this ecosystem going?Gou: You know, there's a lot happening in different segments, right. And 5G, for example, is a huge enabler of Kubernetes, or consumer of cloud-native technologies, and there's just a lot happening over there. Just around edge to core compute, and patterns that are emerging with how you move data from the edge to the core or vice versa, and how you distribute data at the edge. So, there's a lot of innovations happening there in the 5G space. Every segment has something interesting going on. From Portworx’s standpoint, what we're doing over the next couple of years and helping people in two main areas.I mentioned 5G, so enabling workflows that are truly cloud-native. What do I mean by that? Driven by Kubernetes, that allow the developers to create higher-level workflows where they can either move data between Kubernetes clusters—again, it doesn't have to be between cloud providers; just to take a step back for a second. Whenever somebody is running a cloud-native platform, what we find is that it's not like an enterprise has one very large Kubernetes clusters. Typically people are managing fleets of Kubernetes clusters, so whether they're doing blue/green deployments, or they just have different clusters for different types of applications, or they're compartmentalized for different departments, we find that people having to move and facilitate movement of applications between clusters is very important. So, that's an area where we're focusing on; certainly makes sense in the 5G space.The other area is around putting in more AI into the platform. So, here's an example. Does every enterprise out there, does every developer need to be—if they're running stateful applications, do they need to become a database expert to run it? And our answer is no. We want to bring in this notion of self-driving technologies into stateful applications where—hopefully with the Portworx software—if you're running stateful applications, the Portworx software is managing the performance of the database, maybe even the sharding of the database, the vertical and horizontal scaling of it, monitoring the database for performance problems, hotspots, reacting to it. We've introduced some technologies like that already over the past couple of years. An example is capacity management. What we’ve found is—and I think you asked this question early on—people that are running stateful applications on their Kubernetes platform, they're not storage experts. People routinely make mistakes when it comes to capacity planning. One of the things that we found is people had underestimated how much space they're going to use or how much storage they're going to use, and so they ran out of capacity in their cloud-native platform. Why should it be their problem to deal with that? So, we added software that's intelligent enough to detect these kind of cases and react to it. Similarly, we'll do the same thing around vertical scaling, reducing hotspots. And bringing in that kind of intelligence and little platform is something not just Portworx but we expect other people in this ecosystem to solve.Emily: Do you think there's any business problems that customers talk about that you don't have a good answer to? Or that you don't think the ecosystem has a good answer to, yet?Gou: Yeah, no, it’s a good question. So, making the platform simple. So, the simplicity is one aspect. I think we do see enterprises struggling with the cloud-native space being slightly complex enough with so many technologies out there. Kubernetes itself, certainly, it has its own learning curve. So, making some of those things more simple and cookie-cutter so that enterprises can simply focus on just their application development, that is an area that needs to still be worked on. And we see enterprises, I wouldn't say really struggling, but trying to wrap their head around how to make the platform more simple for their developers. There are projects in the cloud-native space that are focused on this. I think a lot of this is going to come down to establishing a set of patterns for different use-cases. The more material and examples that are out there and use-cases that are out there will certainly help.Emily: Do you have an engineering tool that you can't live without? If so, what is it?Gou: [laughs]. My go-to is obviously GDB. It's our debugger environment. I certainly wouldn't be able to develop without that. When I am looking into insights into how a certain customer’s environment is doing, Prometheus and Grafana are, sort of, my go-to tools in terms of looking at metrics, and application performance health, and things like that.Emily: How could listeners connect with you or follow you?Gou: On our site portworx.com, P-O-R-T-W-O-R-X-dot-com. We frequently blog on that site; that would be a good way to follow what we're up to and what we're thinking. I certainly respond to people via email. So, reach out to me if you have any questions. I’m pretty good replying to that: Gou—that’s G-O-U—at portworx.com. I don't nearly tweet as much as our PR team would like me to tweet so there's not too much information there, unfortunately.Emily: Thank you so much for joining us on The Business of Cloud Native.Gou: Thank you, Emily. Thanks for having me.Emily: Thanks for listening. I hope you’ve learned just a little bit more about The Business of Cloud Native. If you’d like to connect with me or learn more about my positioning services, look me up on LinkedIn: I’m Emily Omier, that’s O-M-I-E-R, or visit my website which is emilyomier.com. Thank you, and until next time.Announcer: This has been a HumblePod production. Stay humble.

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