FOSDEM/State of Open Con/MMC Ventures

** I’m going to experiment with writing a short blog post every weekday (except Wednesday, when the podcast publishes) in February. If this sounds overwhelming to you, now is the time to unsubscribe. As usual, I’ll cover open source and business, focused on strategy in general and product, marketing and sales, which are most closely tied to positioning.**

If you’re planning to be at FOSDEM or State of Open Con, and/or you’re just an open source startup founder based in London, and you’d like to meet up to talk open source startups and positioning, let me know!

I’ll be talking at FOSDEM on Saturday, about how strategically deploying awkward silences during user interviews will get you better quality information, even if it does make you feel like crawling under your desk. If you’re at FOSDEM and want to meet for coffee/tea/beer, let me know — I’ll be there both days.

I’ll also be at State of Open Con in London, recording some podcast episodes. Likewise, let me know if you’ll be at the conference and would like to meet up.

Lastly, but definitely not least, I’ll be doing an event with MMC Ventures on positioning for open source startups on February 9th at 6pm GMT. This will be an interactive event, so there will be relatively little ‘me talking at the crowd’ and relatively more workshop-y activities. Also, there will be drinks afterwards. If you’re in London and interested, definitely sign up.

Emily Omier