What is your pricing saying about you?

What do you think pricing is?

Yes, pricing is about determining the amount of money an individual or organization should pay to use your product.

But pricing is also a part of your positioning strategy. Your pricing is speaking for your company and your product. Is it saying what you think it’s saying?

Low prices = our product isn’t actually very good, but hey, it’s cheap!!

High prices = our product is awesome, and worth every penny. Yes, it’s more expensive than some other options, but none of those options will meet your needs exactly, will they?

Let me be fair: It can be unnerving, as a startup, to launch with high prices. However, if your positioning is dialed in and you are able to communicate exactly what value you provide and who you are ideally suited for, people will pay those higher prices. And the fact that your prices are high will reinforce your positioning as the only available option for people with very specific needs.

Emily Omier