Your users benefit when you improve your positioning

There are plenty of self-serving reasons to improve your positioning. But right now, let’s talk about why bad positioning hurts others and how good positioning is better for your users.

It’s easier to find you

When your positioning is good, it’s easier to find your project, it’s easier to see evaluate it to see if it’s a good fit, and it’s also easier to rule out as an option if it won’t solve the problem.

More focused community

With better positioning, your community becomes more focused around a specific problem. This keeps discussion in your forums on-topic, increases the likelihood that any pull requests will be highly relevant for the project and in general increases the value of the community for everyone, because that community is so focused on solving a single problem for a specific group of people.

Camaraderie in the community

Not only does better positioning mean the community is more focused on creating a bloat-free project, but when the target user profile is narrow enough you’ll get much more camaraderie among community members. In other words, you’ll increase the likelihood that people will get value from your community that goes above and beyond the value they get from using your project. That’s a service to your users.

Emily Omier