Press info
Would your audience want to learn how clearly articulating your project or product’s value and ideal user can get you more paying customers?
This info is for journalists, podcast hosts, conference organizers and anyone else who’s interested. Feel free to use the info below without contacting me first. If you have more questions, reach out to me by email.
Short bio:
Emily Omier is a former journalist and marketing writer who helps founders of open source companies accelerate revenue growth. She hosts The Business of Open Source, a podcast about building open source companies, contributes to The New Stack, including a column about entrepreneurship for engineers, and writes The Business of Open Source blog.
Sample questions for Emily:
What is positioning and what do people often misunderstand about it?
Why does positioning matter for open source projects?
What specific positioning challenges do companies built around or closely related to OSS have?
What process can organizations follow to evaluate their positioning?
What are symptoms of bad positioning?
Fun facts about Emily:
I’ve lived in Switzerland, Russia, Spain, France, China and Nicaragua
I’m a graduate of Columbia University’s Journalism School and Science Po Paris Journalism School
My hair is naturally curly
I speak six languages and worked as a translator for Worldcrunch during and after graduate school
More from Emily:
Some podcasts I’ve been on:
Under the Hood of Developer Marketing
Talks about positioning for open source startups
Do more awkward user interviews, FOSDEM 2023
How do you know if your project is any good? With Avi Press, for All Things Open 2022
How to talk about your open source project so people get it at All Things Open, 2022
Marketing is essential (and not sleazy) for open source projects at Open Source Summit NA, panel with Jana Iris, Matt Yonkovit and Nithya Ruff
Positioning Developer and Open Source Products for BoldStart Ventures Speaker Series
How to Talk to Business People about Cloud Native Technology at ContainerDays 2021
How to talk about your open source project so people get it at Open Source Summit NA 2021
Applying the principles of product-market fit to open source projects at Linux Foundation Member Summit, 2021, panel with Nithya Ruff, Amanda Robson and Leigh Marie Braswell
Security as Code and GitOps pancake breakfast panel with The New Stack at KubeCon NA 2021
Physical location:
Paris, France
Emily Omier