Positioning Workshop

For Growth or Seed Stage Startups

If you’re unsure how to describe your product, how to clarify the types of customers who get the most value from your product or how to fit your product in customers’ workflow and tech stack, the positioning workshop is the place to start.

This workshop comes in three flavors, depending on the stage of the company. They are:

  • Seed stage companies, with few or no paying customers

  • Growth stage companies, with at least one dedicated salesperson and paying customers

  • Post-acquistion, when a newly acquired company/product has to be folded into the acquiring company in a way that makes sense

This virtual workshop for the leadership team is conducted for two hours per day over four consecutive days. If you have customers, I’ll interview 3-5 of your best-fit customers to discover how they describe your product and the pain points it solves. We’ll use the information from those interviews, as well as insights from the leadership team, to clarify:

  • What market category would make your unique features shine

  • What your best customers have in common and how to focus your marketing and sales effort on companies that share those characteristics

  • What your true competitors are, from the perspectives of actual customers

  • The primary value your product delivers, from the perspective of your best customers

At the end of the workshop, you will have clarity on which market category to position your product in, how to establish the relationship between your product and any open-source projects it’s related to, how to talk to prospects, press and partners about the product, and how to focus marketing and sales efforts.

The investment for a positioning workshop is $15,000.


Get Started

Before we work together, I have to be confident that a) your problem is positioning and b) everyone on the leadership team is willing to change your positioning.