The first step towards better positioning

I’ve recently revised my positioning canvas and added a guide to the beginning to make it easier to understand. You can make a copy of the canvas and then fill it out on your own.

If you’ve been struggling with symptoms of poor positioning, the first step I recommend is to take a stab at filling out the positioning canvas. Get feedback from your co-founders, if you have them. Get feedback from your leadership team. If working through the positioning canvas gets you and the team the clarity you need, you’re good to go! If you’re not happy with what you’re able to come up with in the positioning canvas — or it doesn’t make your symptoms of poor positioning go away — that’s a sign you might want to work with someone like me.

Just a reminder, here are some of the symptoms of poor positioning:

  • It takes a long time to explain what your project/commercial product does and why it matters

  • People compare you to the wrong competitors

  • Conversations in your community don’t seem focused on the same outcomes

  • Nobody appreciates the things that make you unique, and focus instead on the things you (relatively) suck at

  • Your community is pulling you in a hundred different directions

  • Your sales cycle is very long

  • You are under price pressure

  • Your positioning is super clear in your head, but your team doesn’t get it

If you’re struggling with any of those symptoms, try filling out the positioning canvas and see if it helps clarify things for you, your team, your users and your customers!

Emily Omier