Upcoming Webinar: Positioning for Free Open Source Software

While I talk about the business of open source most of the time, the fact is the foundation of any open source business is a super healthy open source project. Many things you do as best practices to make sure the project is healthy help the business, and many things you do to help the business will also help ensure the project stays healthy.

That said, I have two projects coming up that are focused on positioning for free open source software. One is a webinar coming up on March 10th, focused on positioning for free open source projects. The second is a slightly longer-term project, a book focused on the same topic. I’m writing the book in the open (!), so you can see the draft and make comments/suggestions if you like. Here it is.

Interested in positioning for free open source projects? Sign up for the webinar, take a look at and comment on the book draft.

Emily Omier