Achieving the Impossible with Laurent Gil

Laurent Gil is by no means a novice when it comes to founding companies. As the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at CAST.AI, Laurent marks this as his fourth company. As a repeated entrepreneur, Laurent comes with valuable insight, which he brings to this conversation on Cloud Native Startup.

In this episode, we discuss Laurent’s entrepreneurial journey, which has taken him across the globe and he shares his opinion on why entrepreneurs should hear the word “no.” We also discuss the importance of simplifying product features, the bond he’s built with his co-founders, product-market fit, and more.


  • Laurent shares his entrepreneurial resume and what led to the founding of CAST.AI. (00:12)

  • How a conversation over coffee in France led to building a company in Ukraine – and why rejection should fuel entrepreneurs to keep going. (03:31)

  • Challenging moments Laurent faced while building startups – and how he has been able to work with the same co-founders throughout different companies. (08:58)

  • Laurent explains why simplicity is CAST.AI’s leading principle. (12:49)

  • A discussion about CAST.AI’s pivot to optimizing the one single cloud. (17:16)

  • Defining and measuring product-market fit. (23:21)



Chris Hill