Shifting Your Mindset with Tobias Kunze

Glasnostic is a cutting-edge observability solution that enables DevOps, SRE and security teams to effectively control emerging disruptive behaviors. In this episode of Cloud Native Startup, I chat with Glasnotic’s co-founder and CEO, Tobias Kunze.

As a trailblazer in the world of cloud-native technologies and a two-time startup founder, Tobias brings a wealth of insight. Prior to Glasnostic, Tobias founded Makara, which was later acquired by Red Hat Open Shift. In our conversation, we explore his journey from Makara to Glasnostic and his shift from engineering to entrepreneurship. We also discuss why sales and people management are core skills needed to become an entrepreneur, the importance of actively stepping out of your comfort zone, and the staggering pace of technology.


  • A look at how Tobias shifted his focus from engineering to entrepreneurship. (00:15)

  • Tobias’ perspective on applying lessons learned from his first startup the second time around – and the similar challenges he faced with both companies. (09:00)

  • A discussion about the first dollar and why it is important to step outside of your comfort zone as an entrepreneur. (14:16)

  • Why sales and people management skills are core traits of a successful entrepreneur and startup founder – and why these skills are more difficult for engineers to cultivate. (18:19)

  • Tobias uses air traffic control to illustrate his journey towards founding Glasnostic – and shares insight on current challenges in the technology sector. (26:31)



Chris Hill